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Online Exchange via Zoom: "Research in Times of Corona"

Every two weeks on Wednesday, 4 to 5:30 p m

For many junior or mid-career researchers, the Corona pandemic has a massive impact on research activities.

Therefore, we would like to offer you a peer-to-peer online exchange every two weeks in which you will have the opportunity to ask questions, share your own experiences and advice with each other, or receive advice and information from (more experienced) researchers.

The exchange peer-to-peer should be the main focus; at the same time, however, each session shall be supervised by experienced colleagues in order to provide additional advice and further information for the exchange.

7th Exchange on 21.10.2020: Re-Use of Empirical Research Data - Information and Resources

The exchange aims to raise awareness of the potential of using existing data or contactless data collection methods for own research.

The Corona Pandemic still prevents many emerging researchers from collecting their own empirical research data or from continuing their data collection.
In such cases, it may be an alternative to resort to contactless methods for one's own research questions, such as already existing empirical data, which can replace one's own data collection or supplement existing data.

The exchange is intended to provide indications for such considerations.
The first part of the exchange will therefore provide information on the advantages and disadvantages of contactless research and data collection, and resources and literature on contactless research and data collection will be presented.
In addition, the services offered by the German Network of Educational Research Data (VerbundFDB)( and its databases will be presented in more detail.
Following advice and information, questions arising from your specific research projects can be considered and discussed.

The exchange round will take place bilingually: The first part of the input will be in English; the mainly German-language services of the FDB will be presented in German. Questions and contributions to the discussion are welcome in both German and English

The Experts:

Dr. Vanessa Torres van Grinsven studied Philosophy as well as Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Barcelona and earned her doctorate on a research methodology topic (motivation of survey participants).
Following research and teaching activities in the field of research methodology at the Universities of Utrecht, Wageningen and Maastricht, she is now in charge of the Beratungsstelle für empirische Forschung at the Faculty of Human Sciences.

Dr. Sonja Bayer is Coordinator of the Research Data Education Alliance (VerbundFDB), DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education.

Collection of information:

A collection of information and links to resources and literature on the subject of contactless access to research data is currently set up on the website of the Beratungsstelle which will be introduced in more detail during the exchange round. Information can be found in the right margin.

8. Termin am 4. November 2020: Datenschutzkonforme Einverständniserklärungen unter Corona-Bedingungen

Wenn die Daten in empirischen Studien unter Pandemie-Bedingungen nicht mehr, wie ursprünglich geplant, in Präsenz, sondern über andere Wege, z. B. über online-Umfragen, telefonische Interviewmitschnitte, Zoom-Interviews oder Video-Aufnahmen, erhoben werden sollen, kommen oft sehr große Mengen an Datenmaterial zustande. Diese müssen z. T. in anderer Weise als ursprünglich vorgesehen gespeichert und verarbeitet werden, oder es können zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt weitere Methoden der Verarbeitung erforderlich werden, die ursprünglich noch nicht ins Auge gefasst wurden.

Die Austausch-Runde am 4. November widmet sich deshalb der Frage, wie Einverständniserklärungen für Teilnehmer*innen an empirischen Personenstudien mit Blick auf die veränderten Formen der Datenerhebung datenschutzkonform (um)gestaltet werden müssen.

Im Anschluss an die Hinweise und Informationen zur Gestaltung datenschutzkonformer Einverständniserklärungen können Fragen, die sich aus Ihren konkreten Forschungsprojekten ergeben, diskutiert und beraten werden.

Die Expertin:

Gesa Diekmann ist Datenschutzbeauftragte der Universität zu Köln und in dieser Funktion zuständig für fast alle Fragen rund um den Datenschutz an der Universität zu Köln.

Informationen zum Datenschutz an der Universität zu Köln:

Allgemeine Informationen der Stabsstelle 02.3 - Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit zum Thema Datenschutz im Kontext der Universität zu Köln finden Sie auch auf der Webseite der Stabsstelle unter


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