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Board of Directors and Managing office


Prof. Dr. Jutta Stahl
Dean of Research

Gronewaldstrasse 2
D-50931 Cologne

Phone +49 221 470-5777

Board of Directors


Prof. Dr. Markus Dederich
Special Education, Theory of Special Education and Rehabilitation

Frangenheimstrasse 4
D-50931 Cologne

Phone +49 221 470-1965
E-mail Markus.Dederich[at]

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Ehrenthal
Clinical Psychology and empirical-quantitative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Bernhard-Feilchenfeld-Strasse 11
D-50969 Cologne

Phone +49 221– 470-76430
E-mail johannes.ehrenthal[at]

Prof. Dr. Pamela Perniss
Sign Language Interpreting (DGS - German)

Klosterstrasse 79b
D-50931 Cologne

Phone +49 221 - 470-76342
E-mail pperniss[at]

Prof. Dr. Jutta Stahl
Interindividual Differences and Psychological Assessment

Pohligstrasse 1
D-50969 Cologne

Phone +49 221 470-6289 / 221 470-8399
E-mail jutta.stahl[at]

Prof. Dr. Susanne Völker
Methods of Educational and Social Research with special regard to Gender Research / Sociology

Academic director of the central institute "Gender Studies in Köln" (GeStiK) at the University of Cologne

Richard-Strauss-Strasse 2
D-50931 Cologne

Phone +49 221 470-4743
E-mail susanne.voelker[at]

Prof. Dr. Manuel Zahn
Aesthetic Education

Gronewaldstrasse 2
D-50931 Cologne

Phone +49 221– 470-76072
E-mail mzahn(at)

Doctoral candidates' representatives:

Seraphina Auerbach
Doctoral Researcher at the Mercator Institute for Literacy and Language Education

Innere Kanalstrasse 15, room 4.03 (5th floor, Triforum)
D-50823 Cologne

Phone +49 221 470 7283
E-mail sbader[at]

Susanne Fodor
external Doctoral Researcher in Psychology

E-mail: Graduiertenschule-HF[at]

Alina Bonitz
Lecturer Department Art and Music, Art & Theory of Art

E-mail: alina.bonitz[at]

Christin Kupitz
Chair for Didactics for People with Mental Disabilities

Klosterstrasse 79 b
D-50931 Cologne

Phone +49 221 470 5530
E-mail christin.kupitz(at)

Consultant member:

Dr. Matthias Krepf
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair of Empirical Reseach in Schools and Teacher Education with special regard to quantitative methods

Gronewaldstrasse 2a
D-50931 Cologne

Phone +49 (0)221-470.2758
E-mail matthias.krepf[at]

Managing office

Dr. Caroline Gaus
Managing Director

Gronewaldstrasse 2
D-50931 Cologne

Phone +49 221 570802-13
E-mail caroline.gaus[at]