Presentation Event for Doctoral Projects
Friday, 17th January, 2025, approx. 09:00 to 15:30
The presentation event offers the opportunity to present your own doctoral project, discuss it with other doctoral candidates and get to know fellow doctoral candidates and their doctoral projects.
Who is invited to participate?
Doctoral projects at all stages should be presented and discussed. Therefore, those who are still at the beginning or in the planning stage of their research project are just as welcome to present their project as those who have already started or would like to present results of their dissertation.
Presentations in English are just as welcome as presentations in German.
How can you participate?
Each project is allocated a 20-minute slot.
During these 20 minutes, you will present your research project in a 10-15 minute lightning talk. The lightning talk should present your research question, the method and, if applicable, the first results of your research project or a particularly exciting problem of your work in a concise form which can also be understood by non-specialists.
There will then be an opportunity for questions and a brief discussion. Depending on the length of your presentation, 5-10 minutes are reserved for the discussion.
The program:
The final lecture program will be arranged according to your specific doctoral projects.
The lunch break is organized as a “Doctoral Candidates’ Lunch”:
Over a small snack, participants will have the opportunity to discuss with Jutta Stahl in an informal setting current topics and concerns in the (not subject-specific) context of doing a doctorate at the Faculty of Human Sciences.
All participants are therefore asked to submit an abstract of their doctoral project of no more than one page together with their registration, but no later than 02.01.2025, to
If you already have a question, a topic or a concern about your doctorate that you would like to have discussed at the Doctoral Candidates’ Lunch, we would also be happy to receive a short note with your registration.
The definite program will be announced after the end of the registration period.
However, the following program scheme should give you a preliminary impression of what to expect.
Preliminary Program:
09:00-09:15 | Welcome by the Spokeswoman of the Graduate School, Prof. Dr. Jutta Stahl, Vice-Dean for Academic Careers and Equal Opportunities at the Faculty of Human Sciences |
09:15-10:55 | Lightning Talk 1 |
Lightning Talk 2 | |
Lightning Talk 3 | |
Lightning Talk 4 | |
Lightning Talk 5 | |
Lightning Talk 6 | |
10:55-11:10 | Short Break |
11:10-12:30 | Lightning Talk 7 |
Lightning Talk 8 | |
Lightning Talk 9 | |
Lightning Talk 10 | |
Lightning Talk 11 | |
Ca. 12:30-13:45 | Lunch Break: Doctoral Candidates‘ Lunch: Informal exchange with Jutta Stahl about non-subject-specific topics and concerns in the context of doing a doctorate at the Faculty of Human Sciences |
13:50-15:30 | Lightning Talk 12 |
Lightning Talk 13 | |
Lightning Talk 14 | |
Lightning Talk 15 | |
Lightning Talk 16 | |
Lightning Talk 17 | |
15:30 | End of the Presentation Event |
Active membership:
Yearly participation in a presentation event of the Graduate School counts as an activity in the sense of active membership in the Graduate School and entitles you to take full advantage of event and financial support offers.
Please register at:
When registering, please indicate which stage of your doctorate you are at (beginning - middle - end).
The deadline for registration and submission of abstracts is Thursday, 2nd January, 2025.