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Achtung: Geänderter Treffpunkt!

Das Treffen am 24.07. wird, anders als zunächst angegeben, in der

Beratungsstelle für Empirische Forschung (bef),
Raum 202, Aachener Straße 197-199, 2. OG, 50931 Köln,


Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anmeldungen und auf Ihre Teilnahme!

Peer exchange on qualitative methods on Wednesday

Wednesday, 29th May, 2024,4:00-5:30 p.m.

The meeting will take place at the

Seminarraum der Graduiertenschule:

"City-Passage Lindenthal", 1. OG
Dürener Straße 89
50931 Köln

Interested participants are welcome to present their own experiences with qualitative methods in the context of their empirical research projects and to share and discuss them with the other participants. Reports and discussions are also very welcome if you are still planning to work with a certain method.

Any kind of report is welcome: You can describe your progress and give tips on working techniques that have proved particularly useful for your work; but reports on difficulties with the data material or other problems for which a solution can be sought together in the round are also welcome.

Dr. Vanessa Torres van Grinsven will be available both for facilitation and for questions and advice during the meetings.
Laptop and beamer will be available in case someone wants to use a presentation, but you are also welcome to present freely or use other materials.

Number of participants and registration:

If you are interested in the meeting, we are looking forward to your registration via e-mail to
We hope for your understanding that, in order to have a real peer exchange about your own research projects, there should be at least three participants in the meeting.
In case of less than three registrations the meeting would have to be postponed to one of the next following dates.

ILIAS folder:

The presence meetings are flanked by an ILIAS folder, which you can access via the following link:

If you feel like presenting an approach to data analysis yourself, or if you would like to contribute information or suggestions to the exchange in advance, you have the opportunity here to open a chat, post a contribution to the forum, or deposit materials that you find important for the exchange.

Participants who do not have a UzK account can contact the Graduate School (Graduiertenschule-HF[at]; they will then receive a temporary account to access the folder.

Online participation:

If you cannot be on site on May 29th but would like to attend the meeting you have the opportunity to participate online.

You can access the methods meeting online via the following link:
Meeting ID: 948 8083 1340
Password: 293334